Witnessing Saturn's Rare Lunar Occultation: A Telescope View

 Witnessing Saturn's Rare Lunar Occultation: A Telescope View

Discover the mesmerizing lunar occultation of Saturn, captured on video. Watch as Saturn is hidden by the Moon for 1 hour and 18 minutes in this rare celestial event observed in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Witnessing a Rare Celestial Event: Saturn's Lunar Occultation

Early yesterday morning, I had the extraordinary opportunity to witness a rare celestial event: Saturn being occulted by the Moon. This remarkable occurrence, known as a lunar occultation, took place in the skies above the Colombo District in Sri Lanka.

Lunar Eclipse Details

  • Lunar Eclipse Start Time: 25-07-2024, 12:50 AM
  • Lunar Eclipse End Time : 25-07-2024, 02:08 AM

For a duration of 1 hour and 18 minutes, Saturn was completely hidden behind the Moon. This event was an exceptional display of our solar system's dynamics, where the Moon's orbit brought it directly in front of Saturn, obscuring the ringed planet from view.

The Telescope View

What you are looking at in the video below is a rare telescope view of Saturn's lunar eclipse. The footage captures the mesmerizing sight of Saturn gradually disappearing behind the Moon and then re-emerging after 1 hour and 18 minutes. This spectacle provides a unique perspective on the movement and alignment of celestial bodies.


The primary right to this incredible view belongs to those who obtained the original telescope footage. Their expertise and equipment allowed us to witness this awe-inspiring event in such detail. I am grateful for their contribution and excited to share this video with you all.


Lunar occultations involving major planets like Saturn are infrequent and offer a rare glimpse into the workings of our cosmos. I hope you enjoy the video and appreciate the beauty and complexity of this celestial event as much as I did.

Stay tuned for more astronomical observations and rare celestial events!

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