Strawberry Snow Skin Mooncake | Custard Snowskin Mooncake Recipe


Snow Skin Mooncakes with Custard Filling

Snow skin mooncakes, also known as "bing pi yue bing" in Chinese, are a popular Mid-Autumn Festival delicacy. With their soft, chewy outer layer and a creamy custard filling, they offer a delightful contrast of textures and flavors. Unlike traditional baked mooncakes, snow skin mooncakes are not baked and have a mochi-like outer skin, making them a favorite among those who enjoy a lighter, less sweet treat. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about making the perfect snow skin mooncakes with custard filling.

Ingredients for Snow Skin Mooncakes

For the Custard Filling

  • Egg yolks: 4 large yolks for a rich, creamy filling.
  • Sugar: 100g of granulated sugar for sweetness.
  • Custard powder: 30g to enhance the texture and flavor.
  • Cornstarch: 20g to thicken the custard.
  • Milk: 200ml of full-fat milk for creaminess.
  • Unsalted butter: 50g to add richness.
  • Vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon for a fragrant custard.

For the Snow Skin Dough

  • Glutinous rice flour: 100g for the chewy texture.
  • Rice flour: 50g to balance the chewiness.
  • Wheat starch: 25g to create a smooth dough.
  • Icing sugar: 50g for sweetness.
  • Milk: 150ml, preferably full-fat, for a tender dough.
  • Vegetable oil: 20ml to make the dough pliable.
  • Food coloring: Optional, for visual appeal.

Additional Ingredients

  • Potato starch: For dusting to prevent sticking.
  • Mooncake molds: For shaping the mooncakes.

Step-by-Step Preparation

1. Making the Custard Filling

  1. Prepare a double boiler: Set a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water.
  2. Mix dry ingredients: Combine sugar, custard powder, and cornstarch in the bowl.
  3. Add wet ingredients: Gradually whisk in the egg yolks, followed by the milk. Stir continuously to avoid lumps.
  4. Cook the custard: Stir the mixture constantly over medium heat until it thickens to a pudding-like consistency.
  5. Incorporate butter and vanilla: Remove from heat, and stir in the butter and vanilla extract until fully incorporated.
  6. Cool and chill: Transfer the custard to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap touching the surface to prevent a skin from forming, and refrigerate until firm.

2. Preparing the Snow Skin Dough

  1. Combine dry ingredients: Sift together glutinous rice flour, rice flour, wheat starch, and icing sugar in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add milk and oil: Gradually stir in the milk and vegetable oil until a smooth batter forms.
  3. Steam the dough: Pour the batter into a heatproof dish, cover with foil, and steam for 20-25 minutes until the dough is cooked through and translucent.
  4. Knead the dough: Let the dough cool slightly, then knead it on a clean surface dusted with potato starch until smooth and pliable.
  5. Color the dough: If using food coloring, divide the dough into portions and knead in the colors until evenly distributed.

3. Assembling the Snow Skin Mooncakes

  1. Portion the custard filling: Roll the chilled custard into small balls, about 25g each.
  2. Divide the dough: Cut the snow skin dough into equal portions, about 30g each.
  3. Wrap the filling: Flatten each dough portion into a disc, place a custard ball in the center, and wrap the dough around the filling, sealing it completely.
  4. Shape the mooncakes: Dust the filled balls with potato starch, place them in a mooncake mold, and press firmly to shape.
  5. Chill before serving: Refrigerate the assembled mooncakes for at least 2 hours before serving to firm up the skin and filling.

Tips for Perfect Snow Skin Mooncakes

Choose the Right Flour

Using a combination of glutinous rice flour, rice flour, and wheat starch ensures a dough that is chewy yet tender. Glutinous rice flour provides the elasticity, while rice flour and wheat starch balance the texture.

Master the Custard Consistency

Achieving the perfect custard filling requires constant stirring over medium heat. The custard should be thick enough to hold its shape when cooled but still creamy and smooth.

Proper Dough Handling

The dough can be sticky, so dust your hands and work surface with potato starch. Avoid over-kneading, as this can make the dough tough.

Use High-Quality Molds

Invest in good-quality mooncake molds to create beautifully detailed designs. Lightly dust the molds with potato starch to prevent sticking.

Storing and Serving


Snow skin mooncakes are best enjoyed within 2-3 days of making. Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness. Avoid freezing, as this can affect the texture of the skin.

Serving Suggestions

Serve snow skin mooncakes chilled for the best texture and flavor. Pair them with traditional Chinese tea, such as jasmine or oolong, to balance the richness of the custard.

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